Street Soccer USA News

Nike Legacy Summit

Date & Time: Saturday, April 6, 2019, 9:00am-4:00pm

Location:  Studios 60, 6000 S. Avalon Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90003

Who Attended: 500 women from the Los Angeles area including community, athlete, trainer, and coach partners, as well as women from across the city interested in coaching.


Description: The Nike Legacy Summit was an immersive day-long experience in which attendees were exposed to various tools and resources available to them to catapult them into mentorship in the Los Angeles community. In partnership with the City of LA, the Nike Legacy Summit was designed to take attendees through group coaching activities, motivational sessions, and conversations with inspirational speakers including Mayor Eric Garcetti and Angela Davis.

The Nike Legacy Summit officially kicked off Women Coach LA, a citywide initiative, that aims to increase the number of trained female role models to serve as coaches for girls across the city of Los Angeles. City of LA and Nike believe in the power of sport as a transformative agent to move the world forward, and are committed to inspiring the next generation of female athletes* by reimagining girls’ sport and play experience, including gender-inclusive coaching.

Today’s generation is the least active in history—physical inactivity is shortening lives and short- changing futures. Only 1 in 5 kids globally get the physical activity they need, and girls are less active than boys. Nike and City of LA believe, and research has proven that female coaches and role models encourage and motivate girls on and off the field.

Training was led by SSUSA partners including Positive Coaching Alliance and Peaceplayers International, amongst others.

Los Angeles Program Manager Mikayla Campbell was in attendance, and was actually given the opportunity to speak to her ‘crazy dream’–”to influence young girls, and specifically young girls of color, to possess self efficacy, despite external messages that tell them otherwise. My crazy dream is to have long term impact on all the female and male youth I work with and serve, and to allow those experiences to mold me into the best version of myself”. Mikayla’s ‘crazy dream’ was shared on the Nike Los Angeles instagram as a component of her larger journey. Mikayla shared with Nike her reasons for attending, including the notion that she’s “taken a particular interest in the ways in which women in this industry have to almost overcompensate in preparing ourselves to ensure we are perceived as just as knowledgeable or capable as our male counterparts. Gender bias in sport is undeniably existent. This in mind, it’s of the utmost importance that we create and provide spaces for women and girls to develop professionally, sharpen their professional and personal toolkits, offering them mentorship opportunities, and a platform to discuss unique challenges to the female experience in sport. Even further, to explore the ways in which female influence could improve female performance on the field”. Mikayla, hopes to continue her work towards increasing the number of girls in sport through instilling self efficacy in girls on her teams and in her programs:  “Of course confidence looks different for everyone, but my intention is that girls will come into themselves so that they can radiate confidence in a manner that authentically reflects their sense of self —to stand in their light, unapologetically”.

The recap can be watched here: